Jaramillo 12Ha



Meters Altitude

Farm Description
This 12-hectare farm (30 acres) is between 1,500 and 1,800 meters above sea level and has 22,800 trees.
As you can see from the range of altitude, the farm is located on steep slopes and the altitude rises quickly. In Specialty Coffee, the higher the altitude the better the coffee.
In the planting season of 2017, we started to plant and develop this farm with Geisha, Typica, Caturra and Catuai. Typically, consumers would assume that due to the high altitude, the best practice would be to plant all 12 hectares with Geisha, but it’s not that simple.
Geisha is a delicate plant with a weaker root system than other varietals, and would not survive on the exposed higher sections of the farm. By planting Caturra and Catuai at these high altitudes, we will have truly unique microlots to take to market.
Due to the altitude and previously unfarmed terrain, this has been one of the most challenging farms to develop, due to its soil conditions and wind exposure.
As a result, many different coping strategies have been considered and implemented in order to improve soil conditions. Such as incorporating organic matter into the field, planting shade trees and cover crops like nitrogen fixing legumes, and adding chicken manure to the soil, among many others.
Once the farm reaches full production, all this hard work will pay off and we will have micro lots of much sought after varietals, at very high altitudes and even processed in different ways.
If you want to check out the farm on Google Earth, it is located in the following coordinates (8.7676231, -82.381098)
Families Living & Working On This Farm
- Antonio & Adelina Pinzon (plus 5 children)
- Jose Luis & Micaila Pinzon (plus 5 children)
- Adbiel Guerra & Benilda Pinzon (plus 2 children)
- Marcelino Montero
- Jose Antonio Pinzon
* Cuatro Caminos Coffee Estates is 100% child & slave labor free.